
Vote Compass will now ask you a few questions about the political parties and their leaders. Your responses to these questions do not affect your final results.

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Regardless of the party you intend to vote for in this election, in general how likely are you to support the following parties?

Drag each party’s logo to the scale below to answer the question. If you have no opinion leave them in their current position.

Not likely at all Very likely
Don’t Know

In your opinion, how trustworthy are the following party leaders?

Drag each party’s logo to the scale below to answer the question. If you have no opinion leave them in their current position.

Not at all trustworthy Very trustworthy
Don’t Know

In your opinion, how trustworthy are the following parties?

Drag each party’s logo to the scale below to answer the question. If you have no opinion leave them in their current position.

Not at all trustworthy Very trustworthy
Don’t Know
Done »
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Vox Pop LabsCBC Radio-CanadaCentre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship